Diane Platt Consulting


Our Mission

With over 20 years of experience dedicated to helping good causes raise funds and become more effective, my aim is to help you achieve truly outstanding results.

“Thank you so much for developing a pipeline of prospects and strong case for supports for our projects. We have raised over £150,000 from trusts in the past 18 months thanks to your work”

Why should we work together?

Is this you?

You know your charity could be raising money from trusts and foundations but you don’t have the resources to dedicate to researching prospects and building a pipeline?

You’re not sure where to start on writing successful applications.

You’ve dipped in and out of trusts and foundations fundraising but it keeps being pushed aside when resources and time is stretched?

Believe me I completely understand. I have been on this roller coaster ride myself and so now would love to focus on developing this income stream with you.

See more details about how I can help on the services page and I would love to have an informal chat so please feel free to reach out.

“Diane has the ability to take complex data and information and transform it in a way that makes it easy to understand”

“Working with Diane has provided such clarity in how we can drive our income generation forward”